Machu Picchu

“Welcome to the mysterious ruins of Machu Picchu. Prepare yourself as you are about to embark on a virtual tour. You don’t need hiking gear or a guide to explore the spectacular views and scenery..”

Ok, that might be true, but you certainly need a lot of patience, determination, and courage.


Machu Piccu sits about 8000 feet above sea level. To get there required a plane ride to Peru, a four hour train ride and a treacherous bus ride around a mountain. But when you enter the isolated area, it is spectacular. When I arrived at Machu Piccu, I decided I wanted to climb to the top of Huayne Piccu, the peak overlooking the ruins.

So I embark on my adventure-one steep, steep (steep) step at a time. A quarter way up, my heart was pounding, and I couldn’t control the sweat pouring from my forehead. About half way, I questioned my sanity, and repeatedly asked myself what was I thinking? I thought about turning around and heading back. But no! I had dreamed about this and planned this moment for years. So I held my guides hand, and we finally made it.


machu picchuAnd when we got to the top, I forgot about the plane ride, the four hour train ride, and scary bus ride. I forgot about the numbness in my legs. All I could see was the spectacular vision in front of me. I was overlooking all of the ruins, filled with Alpacas running wild. It was magical.

When I went through my health struggles, I dreamed about what it would feel like to be “normal”. I dreamed about what it would feel like to eat foods and not get sick, gassy or bloated, or constipated. What it would feel like to leave the stretchy pants at home. I was tired of being overweight and exhausted. So when I found a “guide” who said “hold my hand, we will get there, one step at a time”, I was all in!

There were times it was painful and I questioned if it was worth it. There were times I wanted to quit and say “ this is good enough”. There were times I felt numb. But when I finally reached the top – it was worth every step.

When I was in Peru, not everyone wanted to climb to the top. And that’s ok. But as I stand today at the top, looking over what my life was 10 years ago- the view is spectacular, and it was worth EVERY step.

For me, the challenge was: Push through, despite the altitude and the dizziness and the fear, and reach my goal. Many people stay behind at the station. They missed the amazing opportunity of seeing just what you can achieve when you push through. And that’s what I do for my clients. I hold them by the hand and lead them on a journey to a healthy body. Even though we know the road may be difficult, the end result is always worth the investment.

If you’d like to book a strategy session with me to explore just how possible it might be for you to reach your health goals, then click here. I look forward to seeing you!

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